021 852 1792info@pragleatherandluggage.co.za • 34 Victoria Street, Somerset West, Cape Town, 7130

PRAG Antique Chair Restoration

Antique Chair Restoration

We repair and replace old riempies on chairs and riempiesbanke using riempies that are hand cut from individually tanned cowhides and adhering to the traditional methods.

Antique Chair Restoration Before and After

Solid timber Riempie Chair design is a contemporary interpretation of a true and time-tested South African classic.

Riempie chairs were used by the early 1820 settlers who were on the move and needed lightweight chairs that utilized the materials available and the technique of riempies (leather thongs) provided just that, a simple, lightweight and strong chair that embraces our South African heritage.

Antique Chair Restoration Before
Antique Chair Restoration After

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